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Catholic Guides of Ireland Chief Commissioner Awards

four women volunteeringThe Catholic guides of Ireland (CGI) were delighted to welcome Becca Gallagher, SVP National Youth Development Coordinator and Grainne Lee, Chairperson of the SVP National Youth Committee to the Chief Commissioner Awards in September 2017.

The awards were held in All Hallows College, Dublin and were attended by the recipients of the 2017 award, their guiders, parents and friends. Prior to the ceremony Becca and Grainne reviewed projects from the 2017 awards and they were very impressed by the scope and standard of the work.

The CGI Chief Commissioner Awards are an award scheme for the guide section aged 12-to-16 years. The Chief Commissioner’s Challenge for the 2018 award is to challenge the girls to think about people who’s circumstances are different to their own. They are encouraged, as part of the award, to look at those who are homeless and how they could help them, and also to contact a member of local St. Vincent De Paul. They must interview with someone who is part of an SVP Conference, a shop worker or someone who works in a hostel or works on the streets with people. They need to list their questions and the response they get from the interviewee. We are looking forward to the new projects that will be coming to us this year to see how the girls worked with the SVP.

Becca and Grainne spoke to the girls at the award ceremony about the benefits of volunteering and about the difference they could make in the world by volunteering. They took them through their own experiences of volunteering and working with SVP and the rewards you get from same. Emily McCann, Chief Commissioner CGI and Suzanne Breen, Chief Commissioner Award Coordinator are both members of the SVP and were delighted to have the opportunity for CGI and SVP to work together. We hope this is the first of many collaborations.

Photo shows Suzanne Breen, Becca Gallagher, Grainne Lee and Emily McCann at the award ceremony.

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