Kids in Africa
SVP Twinning programme

Twinning is a direct link between Councils and Conferences in different countries.

Through Twinning Vincentians share resources, experiences, and mutual friendship.

These links reflect the reality that there are no borders to poverty and injustice.

The concept of mutual assistance goes back to the foundation of the Society of St Vincent de Paul (SVP) in 1844.

This is encapsulated in one of the original rules of the Society which states:

“We should love one another now and ever, far and near, from Conference to another,
from town to town, from nation to nation.”

In 1954 the Council General of the Society added an additional dimension to the work of SVP when it launched a Twinning Programme as a form of Christian solidarity, which helps members fulfil the universal mission of charity.


Twinning has three aims:

  • Promote the establishment of new Councils and Conferences by helping them start and expand the structure of the Society of St Vincent de Paul.
  • Facilitate communication between Councils, Regions, and Conferences throughout the world in a spirit of understanding, friendship, and solidarity.
  • Help spiritually, morally, and materially to continue to alleviate misery and hunger.

In a spirit of mutual assistance each of the eight Irish Regions is twinned with Society members in an African country as part of the National Twinning Programme.

Twinned Regions

The Irish Regions are twinned with 11 English speaking African Countries.

If you would like to find out more about the projects and programmes which SVP is involved with in their designated African country, you can click on the regions below:

East Region Zambia
North West Region Uganda & Kenya
South West Region Nigeria
Mid-West Region Sierra Leone
West Region Malawi
North East & Midlands Region Zimbabwe
South East Region Gambia & Tanzania
North Region Ghana & Botswana

Twinning Officers

Each Region has a Twinning Officer who is responsible for the establishment of a Twinning Committee, which is the contact with the SVP members in the relevant countries. Twinning provides SVP members in Ireland with the opportunity to support their Vincentian brothers and sisters in Africa.

For further information:
Contact the relevant Regional office or alternatively contact;
National Office, SVP House,
91-92 Sean MacDermott Street,
Dublin 1, Ireland
D01 WV38
Phone: +353 1 884 8200

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