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Real life examples show how the impact of Budget on people SVP assist has fallen short

The impact of the Budget on people living in poverty and on low incomes is graphically illustrated in a new booklet produced by the Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SVP).

The booklet examines the situation of real-life examples of people assisted by SVP this year, just to meet basic needs. They include people living in urban and rural situations; a lone parent with two children, a pensioner, a family of six with one income and a single man in his 30s.

The case studies describes how they were struggling prior to the Budget, the benefits, if any, they received and what would have made their lives so much better.

Dr. Tricia Keilthy, SVP Head of Social Justice said, "The purpose of this booklet is to get behind the numbers to assess the real impact of Budget 2021 on the lives of people struggling to makes ends meet in Ireland today.

"Even before the pandemic, almost 700,000 people were in poverty, living precarious and insecure lives. In many instances, COVID has swept them deeper into poverty, as well as dragging others under, many of whom will have not experienced this situation before. Decisive action needed to be taken in this Budget to prevent an increase in inequality and further hardship for households already struggling to make ends meet.

"We hoped for a comprehensive investment package to help begin to address the persistent issues of income inadequacy, homelessness and housing insecurity, educational disadvantage, underfunded early years care and education, energy poverty and health inequalities. But it has unfortunately fallen short, and as this booklet shows the daily struggle of life on a low income will continue for far too many people next year.

The Case Study Booklet is available at here:

SVP Policy Assessment of the Budget can be here:  

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