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Young SVP School Get Together Kildare & Wicklow

Clare Mander, Youth Development Officer

On the 2nd October 2019 over 60 students and their teachers from Kildare and Wicklow gathered in Maynooth University for a Young SVP Get Together. The theme was ‘Taking the Road Together’ inspired by the words of Blessed Frederic Ozanam who said “We took the road together, we will finish it together”. The day was an opportunity for students to learn more about Young SVP and to plan how they might like to get involved.

The day began with an opening reflection on the role of young people as creators of change. Becca Gallagher, SVP National Youth Development Coordinator then led everyone in a ‘get to know you’ activity. The young people heard from Marcella Stakem, Social Justice and Policy Development Officer about why SVP works for Social Justice. Students from Cross and Passion College in Kilcullen and St Mary’s College Arklow spoke about why they chose to be part of Young SVP.

The students then spent some time reflecting on the social justice issues they felt strongly about and how they could work together to address these. They chose to look at: hidden poverty, greater awareness of educational options, sustainable fashion, inclusion & diversity and social isolation. We look forward to supporting them to develop these actions.

There was lots of fun had throughout the day with activities, prizes and the ever popular badge making machine! We ask the students who attended for their feedback on the event. They said that they now had a greater understanding of social justice and inequality and how they could take action.

A big thank you to the students and teachers of: Cross and Passion College, St Mary’s College Arklow, West Wicklow Youthreach, Pipers Hill College and Maynooth Post Primary.

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