A mother and daughter smiling

Donating or fundraising in memory of someone who has passed away is a very special and meaningful way to celebrate the life of a friend or loved one.

We always find it incredibly heartrending when someone decides to donate to a charity when they have lost a loved one and we are so grateful to receive these donations.

You can support The Society of St Vincent de Paul in memory of someone in different ways:

  • Make a donation in their name
  • Collect at a funeral or memorial
  • Setup a fundraising challenge
  • You can also donate online, by post, over the phone or at the bank

We also have special ‘In Memory’ donation gift cards if you would like one of these to keep or to pass on to friends and family after making a donation in memory.

If you have any queries or would like one of these cards, please email fundraising@svp.ie

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