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By Hook or by Crooke: An SVP walk in aid of SVP Waterford Education Conference

Passage East is an ancient port that has played its part in the turning points of the nation. We invite you to step back in history with us on our guided walk along the seashore and hear about these turning points.

The walk will take place on Sunday 27th Sept. (feast day of St Vincent de Paul) at 2pm sharp. It will start and finish at Passage East community centre, will be 5km. long and should take approx. 2 hours. Busses will be available at the half way mark if anyone wishes to avail of them to return to the community centre. The emphasis is on the social aspect of the Society and the walk will offer an opportunity to meet and socialize with members and friends from other areas of the region. The walk will be followed by refreshments, raffle, cake sale and music by the superb local band, "The Shellakybookies".

On our walk we’ll be accompanied by:

Local historian, Jim Hegarty will take us on trip through Irish history and show the importance of Passage East, through the ages.

Waterford wildlife expert, Heather Cagney will also be giving commentary on the wildlife which is present on this stretch of the coastline.

The history of Ireland can be seen in the history of Passage East. Follow the route of Henry II, King John, Richard II, Cromwell, Queen Victoria, King James, and Perkin Warbeck and discover the historical importance of the area. “The Croppy Boy” by James McBurney , which featured in James Joyce’s Ulysses has its origins in the area:

“At Geneva Barracks that young man died

And at Passage they have his body laid

Good people who live in peace and joy

Breathe a prayer and a tear for the Croppy Boy”.

Our wildlife guide will bring us back to the present. This section of coastline which is relatively undisturbed, is probably the most important area ornithologically, as many of the wintering birds roost and feed here. Regular species include Oystercatcher, Ringed Plover, Lapwing, Bar-tailed Godwit and Turnstone, and there is so much more to see and enjoy in the area

Fore more information or to request a sponsorship card please call in to our office in Henrietta Street or phone  051-857112

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