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Category: News

Regional Recycling Sorting Deport aired on TV

On February 19th last, Spotlight commissioned an interesting programme about our Region’s Vincent’s Sorting Depot, located in Drogheda, Co Louth.

The Depot got a real boost with a special feature on Vincent’s Recycling activity which was aired on SKY TV. The Program aired on the program Louth County Matters on Irish TV. 

As part of the program Regional Recycling Manager Peter Johnson outlined how the recycling activity within the North East & Midlands Region operates with over 180 clothing banks and 36 shops.  

Peter explained how all the clothes donated through the banks and the recycling taken from the shops are taken back to the Sorting Depot were they are sorted.  Good quality clothes are bagged and distributed to our 36 shops allowing  our Vincent’s shops increase their turnover providing more  assistance for families in need.  What is not destined for our shops is recycled. 

“It was a great way for us at Vincent’s recycling to get the message out to the public that 100% of their clothing donations are utilised in the best possible way in order to generate income for those in need.  It also provided our depot staff and volunteers a great feeling of achievement seeing that their great efforts are recognised in such a great show such as Louth County Matters” said Peter Johnson Regional Recycling Manager.

The Sorting Depot is now collecting and processing over 20 tonnes of clothes per week with over 4000 items per week being distributed to our Vincent’s shops.  This is a real positive boost for SVP at a time when as much income as possible is needed to help keep up with rising calls for assistance. 

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