No more than the rest of the country we are challenged by the current Covid-19 crisis. We will continue to support people to the best of our ability who request our help during this period.
Those seeking assistance from SVP are asked to contact their relevant regional office by telephone or online facilities as we will not be operating any call-in facilities.
As we have a duty of care to our volunteers and members with underlying health issues or with immediate family with such issues, they have been advised to take extra precautions and not to attend meetings/visit clients.
Home and emergency accommodation visitations have been curtailed in accordance with the Governments guidelines and alternative arrangements have now been implemented to provide support to those in need.
We continue to support people in our Social Housing and Homeless Services. Our Retail shops and Resource centres services have also all been temporally closed. We continue to liaise closely with the DEASP, utility companies and other relevant state bodies to ensure low income individuals and families are not impacted.
SVP church gate and supermarket collections etc. are cancelled for the foreseeable future.
The situation is evolving and will be reviewed on a daily basis.