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Category: News

SVP's position grant to AMACHT LGBT Ltd., Galway

Donations to local Conferences of the Society of St Vincent de Paul are only used by those Conferences to provide assistance within their area. What is given locally stays local.

Earlier this year the members of SVP St Augustine’s Conference who administer the SVP Maureen O’Connell Fund in Galway agreed to provide funding to another non-profit volunteer organisation, AMACH! LGBT Ltd, to be used in establishing a resource centre in Galway city.

AMACH LGBT Galway provides support for LGBT people in Galway City and County. It is not affiliated to, nor does it support, any other political party, group or campaign. The planned centre is required to provide supports and services to individuals and families of individuals in the LGBT community in the area.

SVP is one of eighteen voluntary, community and statutory bodies which are supporting the LGBT resource centre project. Galway City Council has a commitment in the City development plan to make funding available to AMACH! LGBT to rent a suitable city centre premises for the resource centre.

The SVP support for the centre has been made on the basis that it will be used to provide support and services to those vulnerable people in the community who because of sexual discrimination may suffer isolation, exclusion, discrimination, mental health issues and bullying. The funds provided can be used for no other purpose.

The St Augustine’s Conference decision was ratified by the SVP National Management Council.

You can read the full statement on the SVP position


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