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Category: News

The Highest Degree

For years I lived in the torments of Hell
No one heard when I rang the bell
I felt deprived of love and life
As I cringed in my cell of poverty and strife

Bills sent chills, I lived in fright
No coal in the shed on a long winter’s night
The food running out and the money spent
The week not yet over and I didn’t pay rent

And just when I reached my lowest – the ebb
Angels descended anointing my head
These angels, the saviours, who heard my lost call
They are God’s holy helpers, the Vincent de Paul

Extending their kindness, they offered me help
They clothed my children, put food on the shelf
And when in crept September and schools going back
They helped me buy uniforms and books – I relaxed

My body re-healed, but my heart remained broken
I had travelled dark roads, I was stripped of emotion


My spirit felt buried, a tired run-down feeling
My soul searched released and a spiritual healing

Then one Summer’s night, at a quarter-to-eight
Two of “God’s helpers” appeared at my gate
They guided me gently, to sign on a course
And little-by-little, I regained my life force.

I attended more courses, it was a revelation
To re-enter life and receive education
Learning new skills made me feel ten feet tall
All thanks to the members of St.Vincent de Paul

Contributed by a person who was helped

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