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The Wren Boys in Sandymount on St. Stephen’s Day Raising Funds for SVP

The Sandymount ‘Wren Boys’ are keeping up the tradition of the wren festival on St. Stephen’s Day.  Now in its 32nd year the celebration promises to be a great family day out filled with traditional music, entertainment and dance. This year the event has been taken under the wing of Sandymount TidyTowns as yet another of their community events for Sandymount Village.  Pat McEvoy will be the Master of Ceremonies for the event.

On Tuesday 22nd December at 11:00 am, the Lord Mayor of Dublin, Councillor Críona Ní Dhálaigh, will launch this year’s festival in the Mansion House in Dublin. Representatives of the Wren Boys in full regalia will be there to entertain, along with members of Sandymount TidyTowns and the Society of St Vincent de Paul (SVP).

The old Irish tradition of ‘Hunting the Wran’ is shrouded in the mists of time and is still practised in many parts of the county.  This year all proceeds will go to support the work of SVP.

Established in Ireland in 1844 the Society of St Vincent de Paul is dedicated to the relief of poverty, both material and emotional. It seeks to achieve its objectives through support and friendship, promoting self-sufficiency and working for social justice.

The core work of the Society is driven by over 11,000 voluntary members helping families with essentials such as food, education and energy bills.

“SVP relies on the generosity of the Irish people to allow it help many families struggling on low incomes who need support at difficult times, particularly at Christmas and the New Year, a time of high utility and energy bills.” said Liam Casey, SVP East Region President.

The Wren Boys celebration at Sandymount Green commences at 11:00 am with poetry readings in Gus Ryan’s Sandymount House on the corner of the Green. The music and dancing at the crossroads starts at 12 noon with a parade around the Green to the Gig Rig with the Swords Mummers, local musicians and many others from far and wide.  They will be playing bodhrans, bagpipes, tin whistles and even combs along with musicians across all cultures to add variety and excitement to the day.

If you would like to support SVP please send a cheque to East Region, SVP House,
91-92, Sean McDermott Street, Dublin 1 or

Donate here


For further information on the Wren Boys Festival please contact:
Pat McEvoy  087 234 0065

For further information on Sandymount TidyTowns please contact:
Joe McCarthy       086 245 6788

For further information on SVP please contact:
Jim Walsh   087 2541 700

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