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Category: News

Twinning - SVP Day Care Centre in Kumasi, Ghana

St. Vincent de Paul Day Care Centre is an offshoot of Street Children Project, Catholic Archdiocese of Kumasi in Ghana which is managed by the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul.

The Day Care Centre provides twofold services to babies of mothers in street situation namely, quality care in a nurturing environment and early childhood education.

In Kumasi where there are over 20, 000 children and young persons living in street situation young women on the street often get impregnated through abusive or exploitative relationships and are saddled with child upbringing there on the street.

These young and often unprepared mothers go through many ordeals including having to strap their babies on the back all day while carrying heavy loads on their heads. Babies get exhausted, dehydrated, sick and sometimes die.

To prevent such stress and mishaps both on the mother and the child, the Day-Care Centre was established.

We are immensely grateful to SVP NI for supporting us to care for children in street situation.

Funding received provided the centre with some play times which have made the day care much more exciting for the children.

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