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Pay-Related Benefit for Jobseekers

Pay-Related Benefits for Jobseekers

(SVP) welcomes the opportunity to respond to the public consultation on Pay-Related Benefit for Jobseekers (PRB).

The introduction of a new, permanent, feature of the Social Welfare system is an important moment. The proposals contained in the Department of Social Protection’s Strawman would drastically alter the experience of many payment recipients. We see this as a key part of a dialogue about the importance of income adequacy within the social protection system.

Summary of Key Points from SVP

  • The new Pay Related Benefits for Jobseekers payment recognises that the extreme income cliff many newly unemployed people face directly causes hardship. This can be prevented through increased generosity in social welfare payment levels.
  • The suggested (illustrative) levels of the Pay Related Benefits for Jobseekers payment could be set at will mean many individuals and families are protected from experiencing poverty in the period of this payment.
  • The short proposed time period of the payment may prove too little to cushion households from financial difficulty. Many significant financial commitments cannot be renegotiated or reduced within 6 months. At that stage the recipient may be forced to choose. Between an unsuitable job or an allowance payment below the poverty line.

Pay Related Benefits for Jobseekers

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