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Category: Submissions

Protecting Low Income and Vulnerable Customer through the Energy Crisis

SVP Proposals for the CRU 2022

Protecting Low Income and Vulnerable Customer through the Energy Crisis. SVP Proposals for the Commission for the Regulation of Utilities (CRU) March 2022

The continued impact of price increases on low-income households is of great concern to SVP. Through our work with suppliers, SVP acknowledge and recognise the efforts being taken by customer service teams to prevent disconnection and assist customers in difficulty. However, with increased worry, anxiety, and uncertainty for citizens, it is critical that clarity and assurance is provided to customers. The Regulator and suppliers have ample capability and skills in communications through many channels to provide advice and support to customers at relatively little cost during this crisis, be it on usage, engagement, or payment. Effective communications to pre-pay customers self-disconnecting are especially critical.

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