Join our ‘Heart of the Community’ family

Businesses like yours play a big part in the local community. They employ members of the local community, and bring services, activity, and life into the area. Now we ask you to go even further and join the SVP Heart of the Community family to be there for people who are struggling this winter.

For the people that SVP support the kindness from your heart can help give them the strength to keep going.

That’s the incredible lasting power of the gift your business can give today.

Whether your gift puts a turkey on the table... fills up a long-empty oil tank… or puts a few little presents in a child’s otherwise empty stocking… a family will never forget your kindness. Believe me.

SVP wants to recognise the kindness of your heart.

That’s the incredible lasting power of the gift your business can give today. We would like to invite your business to join SVP’s Heart of Your Community family.

  • All donors, no matter how big or small their donation, will receive a Heart of the Community sticker to display to show your community you support local SVP. You will also receive a link to download materials to show your support including thank you posters and email footers.
  • Donate €2,500 or more and you will have your business’ name featured in our Thank You page in the Irish Independent in early 2024.
  • Give €5,000 or more and you will have your business’ name and medium version of your logo featured in our Thank You page in the Irish Independent in early 2024.
  • Donate €10,000 or more you will have your business’ name and large version of your logo featured in our Thank You page in the Irish Independent in early 2024.

If you would like to get involved with the SVP Heart of the Community programme:  

Please fill out the form below, or alternatively you can email



Below there are links to download materials to show your support, including thank you posters and email footers.  

How to download SVP media files: 

  1. Click below on the link on below to download according to your region 
  2. A dropbox page will open in a new window 
  3. On the top left of the page, click on the download button 

Download SVP Heart of Your Community Materials : 












Get involve in the Campaign to get Customised Zoom/Teams Background and a Certificate:

Customised Zoom/Teams Background (PDF)

Certificate (PDF)

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